Step 1: Open Adobe XD
Step 2: Make a new file with a width of 1920 and height of 1080
Step 3: Click on the rectangle and make the width 484, and make height 292
Step 4: Center the rectangle: on transform put 749 in X and 336 for Y.
Step 5: Fill the rectangle with HEX #4E9CA8
Step 6: Click on the line tool. Put the line tool at the very left top of the rectangle and drag it to the center of the shape.
Step 7: Change the line color to HEX #FFFFFF
Step 8: Change the size of the line's border to 4.
Step 9: Copy and paste the line you have.
Step 10: With the new pasted line, try mirroring it with the other line you have that is in the rectangle. Note: Transform 960.5 X, 345.5 Y
Step 11: Click on the circle shape. While holding shift, make a circle and put it center of your rectangle and where the two lines intersect. The circle shouldn't be too big or small, make it 60 W, 60H.
Step 12: Make the circle's color be HEX #FF0000
Step 13: The drawing is finished. Now you should save it.
Step 14: Export your drawing as a png.
Step 15: Send the png through Slack and @Rae Higgins (use our class channel)